
2 min readJun 14, 2020

Li’l Wayne/Tunechi/Young Money Entertainment chatting with Dr Dre a few weeks ago, just after the George Floyd lynching in Minneapolis is worth viewing/listening to, no matter who you think you are. Don’t let this moment pass. Do not miss this train because the platform you’re standing on may soon dissolve beneath your feet.

Watch, listen, learn:

These are just two members of the NCE* (which will soon be the subject of an upcoming article — along with BLM and CHAZ — on this channel), who stand ready to help guide us toward a new social evolutionary phase. So put away the Adderall, stop worrying about ADHD and your restless, sometimes sleepless nights. It’s no longer about becoming a workaholic trying to beat the clock all hyped up on chemicals. Fix yourself a salad, grab a mug of hot coffee, a cold brew or a glass of kombucha, hop on your bicycle, go to the park, chill, network and just stop hating. You’re neither too old nor too white to change.

Further NCE members include Michael Render (Killer Mike) of Atlanta, Mayor Muriel Bowser in D.C., Justin Trudeau in Canada, Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York and his brother, the CNN broadcaster Chris, Eminem, David Letterman, Dave Chappelle, Joe Rogan, Bill Burr and, obviously, Oprah, Beyoncé and Michelle. Did I mention Nikki Giovanni, Robin DiAngelo, Banksy, Neil DeGrasse Tyson or Ijeoma Oluo? Bill & Melinda Gates, Jay-Z and Warren Buffet are controversial satellite members, as are both Georges (Soros and Clooney) and, of course, the BTS ARMY. Although he doesn’t know it — and would be appalled at the suggestion — Rush Limbaugh is a founding father of this progressive movement. The list goes on and on and can easily include you and me if we start watching, listening and learning to do…

Nikolay is one of many lockdown gardeners stuck in the Vienna Woods and in the moment

*New Corps of Engineers is a civilian social engineering movement , just manifested now, that can strategize, organize and mobilize to support and assist willing politicians, legal minds, law enforcement, media and educational leaders reform or replace existing institutions whose modus operandi is — at their heart — enabling discriminatory practices which divide communities rather than unify them. Our founder, Sir George Floyd, died tragically a few weeks ago in Minneapolis. We need no CEO and even though our ideas, initiatives and actions are not flat, our hierarchy most certainly is.




Author, Teacher, Gardener, Beekeeper, Partner, Dad